πŸ—£οΈRoles Info

Information about all the Roles available

Roles by achievements

@Hydra Heads

β€’ Our Core team. The users are the ones creating Hydra - anything from Marketing, Developer work & more.


β€’ Our Moderation team. These users are helping us keep the Discord a safe environment for the Community.

@OG Member

Very active and participative members in the community. Grants unique perks on the server.

@The Chosen One

β€’ The Whitelist role, meaning the user can participate in our pre-sale.


β€’ Indicates whether the member is an active participant in polls. (You can gain or lose this role based on your community activity and votes)


The first 100 to join our discord.

An important member for the server. Manually awarded by the Hydra Team. You can receive this in recognition of your activity.

Roles by discord level

@Hydra Egg

Members from Level 0-2 β€’ How long do you need to hatch and show the world your pretty heads?

@Hydra Hatchling

LV.3-5 β€’ WOW! Something finally came out of the egg! Keep growing healthy!

@Three Headed Hydra

LV.6-7 β€’ A young and healthy Hydra. Soon she will be ready for battle!

@Four Headed Hydra

LV.8-9 β€’ You already have power to defeat a small army.

@Five Headed Hydra

LV.10-11 β€’ You're already among the strongest. No human army is capable of defeating you.You're already among the strongest. No human army is capable of defeating you.

Be one of the first 70 to reach this level and get WL

@Six Headed Hydra

LV.12-13 β€’ Your apparitions become tales in villages.

Be one of the first 50 to reach this level and get WL

@Seven Headed Hydra

LV.14-15 β€’ Your destructive power is incomparable. You master the elements.

Be one of the first 30 to reach this level and get WL

@Colossal Hydra

LV.16-17β€’ You cause earthquakes when you move. You found a hidden quest, the first one to reach this level will get something special.

@Legendary Hydra

LV.18-20 β€’ They talk about you in their history books.

@Immortal Hydra

LV.21-24 β€’ It is impossible to cut off all your heads, you are eternal!

@Hydra God

Over LV.24 β€’ The physical plane has become small for you. You have reached the spiritual plane. People ask you for protection in their prayers. Open a ticket when you reach this level.

Roles by NFT Holds

@OG Pass Holder

  • Increase farm by 0.1% non-cumulative.

  • Only works if you have an NFT from the main collection

  • +2 Vote power

@Bronze Owner

  • Hold 1 Bronze NFT - Farm 0,01

@Double Bronze

  • Hold 2 Bronze NFTs - Farm 0,02

@Triple Bronze

  • Hold 3 Bronze NFTs - Farm 0,035

@Bronze Master

  • Hold 4 or more Bronze NFTs - Farm 0,06

@Silver Owner

  • Hold 1 Silver NFT - Farm 0,02

@Double Silver

  • Hold 2 Silver NFTs - Farm 0,045

@Triple Silver

  • Hold 3 Silver NFTs - Farm 0,07

@Silver Master

  • Hold 4 or more Silver NFTs - Farm 0,12

@Gold Owner

  • Hold 1 Gold NFT - Farm 0,04

@Double Gold

  • Hold 2 Gold NFTs - Farm 0,09

@Triple Gold

  • Hold 3 Gold NFTs - Farm 0,14

@Gold Master

  • Hold 4 or more Gold NFTs - Farm 0,24

@Diamond Owner

  • Hold 1 Diamond NFT - Farm 0,2

@Double Diamond

  • Hold 2 Diamond NFTs - Farm 0,5

@Diamond Master

  • Hold 3 Diamond NFTs - Farm 0,75

@Diamond Founder

  • Hold 4 or more Diamond NFTs - Farm 1,2

Last updated